Denny Griffith
9.29.2 (2014)
About the Artwork
This limited edition print by Denny Griffith features a poetic recreation of the world around the artist. Denny took inspiration from everything – current events, cellular forms, the cosmos, and more.
Curatorial Opinion
In 9.29.2 (2014), a biomorphic purple shape alights onto a green ground. This creature has stilts and stands to keep it upright, and the depiction we see does not contain its entirety. Something 9.29.2 shares with its ‘fraternal twin,’ 9.26, is a tree-like branch descending into the frame from above. The unique mark has the appearance of a snake’s head, and the pose of an inquisitive little creature. There is a strong resemblance to landscape, which occurred frequently in Griffith’s work. The land the creatures are on, however, is never Earth’s.
About the Process
Haystack works with both traditional printmakers and digital printers to ensure each artist’s print reflects the most important aspects of their studio practice. 9.29.2 (2014) was printed in collaboration with the artist and Forth Estate at Axelle Editions (a renowned printmaking studio active from 2005 – 2015). Each print was created by silkscreen printing (also known as serigraphy). This method requires stenciling techniques wherein ink is pressed onto paper through deliberately exposed areas of a mesh screen one color at a time.